Keiron Throssell Photography: Blog en-us (C) Keiron Throssell [email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:23:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:23:00 GMT Keiron Throssell Photography: Blog 120 120 Doggos for Yes I recently attended the 'Doggos for Equality' Vote Yes event - in support of same-sex marriage. I am a strong believer in equality for all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation etc.

The photos were not intended as professional photos - more for a bit of fun with my kids and my dog. However, with a camera in hand and hundreds of dogs around, it was hard not to take pictures!

These photos are free of charge to download for the people/owners/dogs in the photo and to the Vote Yes campaign for any campaign purposes. Prints are all at cost price.

Please note, use beyond personal use of dog owners or people photographed, or by the Vote Yes campaign, is prohibited. The images are still subject to copyright and may not be altered in any way

[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) animal canine dog keiron throssell lgbtq lgbtqi pet photography photos by keiron same sex marriage vote yes western australia Fri, 27 Oct 2017 09:27:47 GMT
Manny the Deaf French Bulldog The Adorable MannyThe Adorable MannyManuel Pasquale - Rob and Sandy's beautiful French Bulldog Manuel Pasquale - simply known as Manny - is a beautiful French Bulldog pup. Manny is deaf, but manages everything just fine.

Manny lives in Dubai with my brother-in-law (Rob) and sister-in-law (Sandy). I have been in Dubai for the last couple of weeks attending workshops at the Gulf Photo Plus conference. A couple of these workshops involved creative use of flash, so on my last night in Dubai, we set up our flashes and shot some pictures of him.

Manny was really well behaved, despite being very tired (he fell asleep for a bit whilst I was setting up!). However, a few meaty treats perked him up!

These photos are mainly to go on his instagram account (@manuel_pasquale_deaf_frenchie) - so please try and follow him as Sandy and Rob update his instagram with more adventures!

I've spent two weeks here in Dubai getting to know Manny, and will definitely be sad to leave him. I did consider smuggling him into my suitcase, but that would leave two broken-hearted people, as Manny has become a much-loved member of their family. (A few times when Sandy and I came home from a workshop, Manny got all the kisses and hugs whilst Rob just looked on, wondering if he was going to be welcomed in the same way. Nope!)

Farewell Manny, and I hope to see you soon!



[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Animal Canine Dog Dubai French Bulldog Pet Portrait UAE Sun, 15 Mar 2015 22:17:17 GMT
Dubai: Fish Markets and More Greeted by the din of seagulls and a cacophony of voices calling out in broken English, Arabic, Pakistani and other languages, the Deira Fish Market is a wonderful place to visit - even if buying fish is not on your agenda. If you can dodge the 'rain' coming from the clouds of seagulls swirling overhead, and don't mind the pungent smell of fish being absorbed into your every pore, the organised chaos and friendliness of the vendors makes the Fish Market a must see.

Set in the heart of old Dubai, the Fish Market - and accompanying Meat and Fruit & Veg Markets - are a stray cat's dream. And stray cat's are lurking throughout the market, waiting to pounce on the merest hint of scrap dropped to the floor.

"Sheep heads boiling in a large barrel sit alongside flayed camel skulls"

The vendors, mostly from Pakistan, are keen to not only sell you their wares, but to have their photograph taken with you, or with them holding up a fish, or by themselves; basically most of them just seem to love being photographed! Almost all are willing to have a chat and ask you where you are from. "Australia" some answer, and the reply is invariably "Ah, Ricky Ponting". Not kangaroos. Not wombats. Not the Outback, or prawns on a a barbie. But a cricketer that retired a few years ago.

Circling the tables stacked with all kinds of sea life, both living and dead, dried and frozen, one can be forgiven for thinking time has stood still. Fish are weighed using old fashioned lead weights balanced on rusting sets of scales. Sections of tree trunks are used as chopping blocks, and there is not an EFTPOS machine in sight. Nokia 3320s can even be seen!

The Meat Market is not for the squeamish, the vegetarian or the hungry. Sheep heads boiling in a large barrel sit alongside flayed camel skulls. Hooks hang down along the rows, with ribs, legs, heads and other unidentifiable body parts dangling at head height, ready for the unwary tall traveller to bump into and come face to face with their dinner.

Men as big as lumberjacks brandish cleavers carelessly as you walk by. Is everything here from an animal?, you wonder, as it swishes through the air and thuds through flesh and bone right next to you.

"Carefully stacked tables abound with piles of colourful fruit, and you are less likely to be accosted by a vendor, as it appears they have had their stalls built around them."

The Fruit & Veg market provides a welcome relief from the carnage, odours and bustle. Carefully stacked tables abound with piles of colourful fruit, and you are less likely to be accosted by a vendor, as it appears they have had their stalls built around them. Every fruit and vegetable you can think of is available for purchase, as well as some whose names seem more fitting for an action movie character. (What is a Rambutan anyway - a red-headed Rambo?)

Leaving the markets, the fresh air is brings a burst of life back into your lungs - bringing much needed oxygen to a body tired from walking, talking, smelling, feeling, poking, prodding and feeling everything in sight. Better head back in and get something to eat.

[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Dubai Fish Fish Market Fruit Fruit and Vegetable Market Meat Meat Market UAE Vegetables Tue, 10 Mar 2015 18:10:37 GMT
Honey - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel If I could choose one other dog in the world to own, it would be Honey, my cousin's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. 

Honey has the most gorgeous and loving personality, and is seriously cute to boot! We had an 'Animals' theme at our local camera club ( last year, and rather than use a photo of my own dog (Peppa), I asked if I could do a photo-shoot with Honey.

She was so well behaved, and extremely easy to shoot (photographically speaking...) due to her training. She won't take a piece of food being offered unless given a command, which made it extremely useful for composing her, and directing her head and eyes.

In this photo, she was actually looking longingly at a biscuit held right above the camera lens.

Honey, you can stay with me anytime!

Are you interested in having a portrait of your furry friend? Contact me.


And for the record, this is Peppa;


[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Keiron Throssell King Charles Cavalier Photography Photos by Keiron Portrait Western Australia animal dog honey pet pet photography puppy Sat, 21 Feb 2015 14:39:47 GMT
Going Grunge for Baseball I recently had the pleasure of shooting the team and individual photos for the Swan Districts Junior Baseball Club.

Rather than the traditional '2 rows, hands on knees, everyone say cheese' photo, I wanted to portray them as a club with attitude, teams that are going to take you on and give you everything they've got. 

The photos were taken against a dirty brick wall that stands next to their playing fields and batting cages, a wall everyone at the club is familiar with. Dirty brick walls are great for giving the grunge look in post-processing!

The kids were asked not to smile, but to portray 'swag and attitude'. Nearly all the kids pulled this off well, although some found it hard to resist smiling! Having to tell them their kitten was dead didn't wipe the smiles off those faces though, in fact they tended to laugh instead. Makes you wonder.....

In post-processing a grunge effect was created, along with suitable fonts for team names. I think the final product ended up exactly how I visualised it would, and was really pleased with them. Hopefully they were too!


Baseball LifeBaseball Life



[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) attitude baseball grunge keiron throssell midland sdjbc sports team photography swag swan districts junior baseball club team photos Sun, 08 Feb 2015 01:40:51 GMT
Storm 'a Comin' Sitting on the dunes of Sandy Cape, just North of Jurien Bay, Western Australia, my cousin and I were watching  an approaching storm. We had our kids in their tents, and the storm looked like it was going to be an absolute cracker!

I captured this photo with a long lens and about 40 second shutter speed. As I pressed the shutter when there was no lightning, it was a case of hoping some would strike. And it sure did!

The storm hit us at about 3am, waking us all up. The tents felt like they were going to fly away and we would end up in the Oz, with witches and flying monkeys everywhere! Luckily they held though - at least for us. Some of our nearby camping neighbours didn't fare so well, with gazebos and the like disappearing into the sky. 

I learnt the importance of guy-ropes that night!

[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Green Head Indian Ocean Jurien Bay Keiron Throssell Photography Photos by Keiron Sandy Cape Western Australia lightning long exposure night photography ocean storm weather Sun, 08 Feb 2015 01:24:57 GMT
Jack I coach a Year 5 footy (Aussie Rules) team. One particular Sunday it was hammering with rain and the ground was super muddy. I normally don't have my camera as coaching duties need to take precedence. However I needed some shots for the monthly newsletter, so had it with me this day.

We got beaten quite badly, but nothing like a mere loss will stop children from having fun. Not long after the final siren, and the 'This builds resilience' speech (which I seem to have given a fair bit this season) the boys started flinging mud at each-other.. and me.

After the mud-fight, Jack went and washed his face - still buzzing from the fun. When he emerged back outside, I called to him, with the camera already focussed on his face. Before he realised I was taking a photo, I had pressed the shutter - capturing the natural expression of joy only a mud-fight can bring to a 10 year old boy.

This photo was selected as a runner-up in the Australian Photography Magazine Mono competition in 2014


[email protected] (Keiron Throssell Photography) Black and White Keiron Throssell Mono Photography Photos by Keiron Portrait Western Australia Sun, 08 Feb 2015 01:08:19 GMT